There is still a lot to harvest. Look at this! No turkey for me with thanksgiving. I will make a stew of all the zuccinni's and squash, carrots and herbs and we will see what happens! Happy Thanksgiving!
On our Salt Spring Island there are 295 varieties of apples growing. The Apple festival theme this year was: Kids and Apples The pie ladies sold there delicious apple-pies made from all kind of apples. My choice this year was: Gravenstein-walnut-raisin pie. Very good!
The zuccinisoup I make from these guys is so heartwarming!
In oliveoil bake a leek with pieces of the zuccini's. Make vegetarian bouillon en put everything in it. Boil a little while and put everything in the blender or magimix. Serve with some nutmeg and sour cream. Bon appetit!
The fruittrees we planted 2 years ago already give us some delicious fruit. Sweet tasting yellow plums! The fench aroud the baby trees is because of the deer!
The harvest is abundant at the moment. The warm weather pays off. Swiss chard, carrots, zuccini's, rucola, two kinds of beans, radish and the basil (already in a pesto)! Delicioso!
All those beautiful bright colours of the nasturbium and calendula are so overwhelming... and guess what: you can eat them. In a green salad they make the whole dish!
Partytime! Our first salads from the garden are here and taste so good. Crispy, fresh, ful of energy. A blend of salad, rucola and green onion. On the top an edible tricolour flower. Seeded in the greenhouse on the 1th of march and in the soil half of march.
The blossom of the strawberryplants is very early this year. Hopefully will this work with the bees and other insects. I saw the first lavendelblue butterfly visiting the plants.