maandag 22 augustus 2011


There are growing a lot of different kind of zuccini's at the moment.
This one I will simmer and with some eggs together in a pan will make a delicious omelette!


We have had so many strawberries that after we ate a lot, we have pots of jams and a lot in the freezer as well. Also made strawberry mousse and have frozen that.
A Christmas diner with your own berries will be great!

Blooming oregano

The leaves of the oregano are so tasty and full of oil. The blossom is beautiful, in colour as well.
I gonna dry them!


After a very cold first half year finally some harvest is there.
At the moment: lettuce, rucola, carrots, beans, haricot verts, zuccini's, tomatoes, cherrytomatoes, lots of herbs and edible flowers.
What an abundance of goodies!